Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The Post Linux-Fest blues...

Oh man, was Ohio Linux Fest a blast (see http://ohiolinux.org for more). I spent a lot of time talking to a lot of people, geeked out to the max with my buddies -- it doesn't get much better than that. Thanks have to go to Chris Schwark for putting me up for the night.

Life is crazy. DinoTrac and I are at it again on LXer.com, with our Penguin/Counter/Penguin forum. This one is about multiple distributions and the fact that every so often, the trade press treats our open operating system society as some kind of disease out of control -- rather than what it truly is: a free market of ideas. Something that the technical world has never seen at this scale.

Look forward to more LXer.com stuff from me -- it's become more than a news site to me.

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